• Naukowcy z FilHist UŁ współtwórcami nowej serii wydawniczej w Brill Publishers

Naukowcy z FilHist UŁ współtwórcami nowej serii wydawniczej w Brill Publishers

Brill Publishers launches the book series Studies in the History of Privacy! The group of scientists involved in its creation includes two scholars from the University of Lodz Faculty of Philosophy and History.

Studies in the History of Privacy

The new series by Brill Publishers explores how existing definitions of privacy were foregrounded in the protection of private aspects of daily life in past societies. It also incorporates studies on topics that could more broadly be understood as belonging to the realm of the private, such as sexuality, family, household, and correspondence. 

Thanks to the new series, the editors will provide space for the growing field of privacy studies, covering all historical periods up to 1914.

Dr hab. Michael Green, Associate Professor (Institute of History at the University of Lodz) is among the group of series editors, while the Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and History, Prof. Dr hab. Maciej Kokoszko (Institute of History at the University of Lodz) is a member of the editorial board.

The new book series: Studies in the History of Privacy

Scientists involved 

Series Editors:

  • Michaël Green, University of Lodz
  • Jessica Roitman, Free University of Amsterdam
  • Johannes Ljungberg, University of Copenhagen

Editorial Board:

  • Hadrian Ciechanowski, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń
  • Ineke Huysman, Huygens Institute Amsterdam
  • Natacha Klein Käfer, University of Copenhagen
  • Maciej Kokoszko, University of Lodz
  • Tom-Eric Krijger, Leiden University
  • Sanne Maekelberg, KU Leuven
  • Karin Neutel, Umeå University
  • Amy Russell, Brown University

Brill Publishers

Founded in 1683 in Leiden, the Netherlands, Brill is a leading international academic publisher in the Humanities, Social Sciences, International Law and Life Sciences. Brill publishes more than 360 journals and 2,000 new books and reference works each year as well as a large number of databases and primary source research collections. Commitment to Open Access and the latest publishing technologies are at the core of Brill’s mission to make academic research available for the scholarly community worldwide. The company’s key customers are academic and research institutions, libraries and scholars. 

More information about the new book series 

Source: Brill Publishers

Edit: Faculty of Philosophy and History, University of Lodz